Can you paint over acrylic nails?


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Can you paint over acrylic nails?
Can you paint over acrylic nails?

We love some pampering time, right? And it usually includes going to a salon and having our nails done.

But you don’t have to spend a lot of money for some pampering time. You can do it at home too.

Yes, you can even update the color of your acrylic nails in the comfort of your home. With the right product and the proper know-how, you can paint over your acrylic nails at a much cheaper cost.

Let’s learn the ins and outs of repainting over acrylic nails below!

Gel polish over acrylic nails

Can’t decide whether to get acrylic nails or have a gel polish? Don’t worry. You don’t have to choose. You can have both.

So can you paint over acrylic nails with gel polish? The answer is yes. You can apply gel nail polish on top of your acrylic nails just like how you’d do it on your natural nails.

Many people opt for gel polish as they last longer than regular nail polish. It doesn’t chip, so you don’t have to apply it often.

To make sure that your gel polish will last on your acrylic nails, here’s what you’ll need:

The Right Products

You’d need an acetone-free nail polish remover. It will completely remove the paint on your acrylic nails the same way acetone-based products do but without the damage.

When applying a gel nail polish, opt for acrylic-compatible products. The same goes for your base and top coats.

And if you’re thinking of skipping the base and top coats, think again.

You must apply the right amount of base and top coats before and after the nail polish. This will protect your acrylic nails while nourishing them. In fact, base coats help with the longevity of your acrylic nails.

The Right Application

The application process is the same when applying gel polish to your regular nails.

The first thing is to clean the cuticle area using well-sanitized tools. You’d need a cuticle pusher, cuticle scissors, nail drill bits, and a hand file.

After prepping the nail, remove all the dust and start with the base coat. You can then proceed with the nail polish and end with a good top coat.

See also  Can you use regular nail polish on acrylic nails?

The Right Care

A properly applied gel nail polish can last for two weeks. And if you are careful with your nails, it can even last for another couple of weeks.

Make it a habit to apply cuticle oil to the nail beds. And if you need to do some rigorous cleaning chores, put on gloves to protect your nail polish. This way, you’d get the most out of your gel polish.

Nail polish for acrylic nails

Not a fan of gel polish? In that case, consider applying traditional nail polish on your fake nails instead.

So can you paint over acrylic nails with normal nail polish? Yes, you absolutely can!

In fact, traditional nail polish lasts longer on acrylics compared to your natural nails. Don’t forget to seal the ends properly, though. Also, apply a good top and base coat for outstanding outcomes.

Regular nail polish is your best choice if you:

  • easily get bored of your nail color and would like to change the shade on your acrylic nails frequently.
  • are allergic to acetone.
  • are frequently experiencing nail problems.
  • prefer a safer and more affordable option.

Sure, gel polish lasts longer than traditional nail polish. That’s a good thing for those who want to stick to a single nail color for a couple of weeks. But if you want to change your nail colors more often, then traditional polish is the way to go.

Removing gel polish also requires acetone. If you’re allergic to this product, you’d have to opt for traditional nail polish. The use of acetone can also damage your acrylic. So think twice before applying gel polish over your acrylic nails.

While the drying time for traditional nail polish is much longer than gel polish, it is way safer. Not only for your nail health but your overall health as well. This is because drying gel polish usually requires UV light which can be hazardous.

One of the greatest drawbacks of regular nail polish is its longevity. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that you can do to make them last longer.

Here are some ways to keep your nails looking their best for longer:

Proper Preparation

You don’t need to buy nail care products to prepare your nails. You can use easily-accessible kitchen products for your nails. Vinegar, for example, is great in removing excess oil on your nails. It will act as a natural cleanser for your pre-manicure session.

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Proper Coat

You’d need a base coat to ensure the nail polish will stick for much longer. Then defend your nail polish from chips by sealing it with a topcoat. Do this every other day. Let your nails dry after every coat before applying another coat to prevent damage.

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Proper Protection

No matter how much preparation or coat you apply to your nail polish, it will still chip and crack if you don’t protect it. So if you have some excessive cleaning to do, do it a day before or a few days after applying your nail polish. It’s also wise to skip the hot bath if you want your nail polish to last the next day.

Can you paint over acrylic nails at home?

You aren’t wearing acrylics for the sake of shielding your nails, right? You’d love to paint them too. The good thing is, you can even do this at home. Show off head-turning nail colors without going to a salon. Here’s how to do it.

You shouldn’t paint over your old nail polish. This will make your nails look thick. It can also affect the quality of the new nail polish. So first, remove the old nail polish.

Make sure to use a non-acetone-based polish remover. Using regular nail polish removers with acetone content can remove the acrylic nails along with the polish. You wouldn’t want that, for sure.

Clean and dry the nails

Always keep your acrylic nails clean. Make sure to dry them to avoid nail infections. Don’t proceed to the next step unless your nails are completely dry. It’s the key to ensuring that your nail polish will look nice on your acrylics.

Apply the base coat on the acrylics

Apply two layers of base coats on your acrylic nails. Make sure that the first layer is already dry before proceeding with the second layer of the base coat. And when shopping for base coat products, choose those that are acrylic-compatible.

See also  Can you put a gel top coat over regular nail polish?

Apply the nail polish

This is the most exciting part – applying the actual nail polish on your acrylics!

Make sure that your nails are ready before you proceed. Check again if the base coat is already dry and not coming through.

If so, apply two coats of nail polish on your acrylics. Again, wait for the product to completely dry and settle before proceeding with the next coat.

Apply the top coat on your acrylics

Now, proceed to the cherry on top of your eye-catching nail art — the top coat.

Once you achieve the outcomes you want, apply a good top coat. This will protect your nails while making them shine. Make sure to cover the entire acrylic nail for a complete seal.

No matter how lazy you get, you should never skip this part.

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Can you use a regular top coat on acrylic nails?

You’re applying a top coat not only for the added shine, right? It is also to protect your acrylic nails. So be sure to choose the right one that will not damage your stunning nails.

It is almost necessary to use a regular top coat on your acrylic nails. While it’s tempting to opt for the popular UV as the top coat, it’s not a good idea. It is not the best choice for your acrylic nails as it can actually chip your enhancements.

Use normal top coat layers for your nails’ best protection without damage.

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Final Thoughts

Gel polish, traditional nail polish, acrylic nails — they’re all great options when styling your nails. And you don’t have to choose one and stick with it. Your options remain limitless even if you go with acrylic nails.

You can paint your fake nails using gel polish or natural nail polish with no problem. Whatever you choose, proper application and regular care will keep your stylish nails in top shape.

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